This year, instead of wrestling with the stress of supply chains, driving to stores, and handing out unnecessary gifts, consider contributing to Providence Road!
Whether it's an office party gift, or something for a friend or family member, by donating their gift to Providence Road, you are making a difference to a child in your community.
In return, Providence Road will send a personalized gift from you to your friend or family member!
Contributors will also be able to leave a personalized note for their friends and family, and we will make sure they have it in the mail by Christmas Day!
Step 1.) Use the GIVING FORM below to provide the names and information of the person(s) whose gift is being contributed to Providence Road and the amount you wish to donate.
Step 2.) Use the DONATE button to contribute your gift. Be sure to write “GIVE STRONG” in the contribution message!
*Note: To receive personalized hard-copy letters by Christmas day, please complete this form by December 11th.